Customer service is garbage


I had a problem with a paypament, tried opening a claim but it says wrong transaction number, sent paypal customer service an email with the issue and not once, not twice, but three times all they do is answer me with copy paste info on how to open a claim, do they even read the emails? GARBAGE customer service.

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Frequent Advisor

You do have a choice of services as there are several.  What's really unique about PayPal, if you don't like them, you can say that.  Do other transaction processing services have "public communtity forums"?   Interesting question.  So what issues are going on with other services?



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New Community Member
We may have a choice, but not if you can't even transfer money from your Paypal account to your bank account. Paypal is essentially holding my money ransom while their customer service **bleep** me around. I have sent them many e-mails and based on the responses, their customer service reps don't even read my e-mails before responding with their canned response of "Go to the resolution center and click "resolve now"", like that is going to help me when there aren't any issues to resolve. If I thought it would do any good, I'd get a lawyer since that seems to be the only way I will ever get my money out of PayPal's control. Paypal has easily the worst customer service I have ever encountered.
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I do not want my private information online so I called to get some information about using pre-paid for my account, I was treated like a criminal by paypal just because I do not want my information online. It took two hours to do what should have taken five minutes, I was hung up on, they refused to verify my account because I was not calling from the number on the account, I was lied to over and over, When I asked to talk to a supervisor I was put on hold and no one came back on the line, the absolute ignorance of customer service, this is vile customer service, what a horrible place to do business with!!!


I run a company that works thru the VA and Dept.of Vocational Rehab to evaluate the disabled, and returning vets with disabilities get them training and find them employment I come on here to be able to sell some motorcycle parts on ebay from my massive collects, from years of riding and this is how I am treated by corporate American fascist filth, I guess to them, to this trash what they are doing is way more important than what I do and me having to take two hours out of my day to do what should have taken 5 minutes is not important at all by comparison, what a vile organization!!!

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I never email paypal. If I have a problem I will always ring because I am always connected fast
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