block contacts

New Community Member

I have a list of email addresses I knowingly have no interest in every conducting transactions with my paypal account.

These email addressses are on this "no go" list for VARIOUS LEGIT REASONS.

REASONS = questionable, problematic, unproductive, and other exemplified behaviors I wish to avoid further contact with said email addresses on this list.


PayPal phone supports explained to me I cannot block email addresses from my PayPal account unless:

#1 = First I engage in transactions with email addresses I want to block

#2 = After I have a transaction with the email addresses I want to block

#3 = I will see the email addresses I want to block in my PayPal contact list

#4 = Then I can select from my PayPal contact list each one of the email addresses I desired (from before step 1) to block from conduting transactions with my paypal account... and press the "block contact" button


In otherwords: I cannot proactively block known bad email addresses unless I actively engage with the email addresses I want to block... so I can get the bad email addresses on my paypal contact list.... so I can click the "block" button on each of the bad email address.


Is anyone else startled by this lack of proactive preventative security from paypal?????

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