Weird phone number in some orders

New Community Member

Hi there,


When i'm paying online with PayPal and my shipping details got filled in automatically , occasionally, i am seeing incorrect phone number in order details - my old home land line , which is no longer connected and not in use.

I think that all orders with this phone number  were "guest checkouts with Paypal" , i.e. without creating  account / profile on the seller website.


The problem is that i don't see this phone number anywhere in my paypal profile or elsewhere.


Any thoughts where it might be coming from ?


Thank you

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If you were not logging in to paypal then it would have nothing to do with your paypal account or the numbers on there.

If paying as a guest then any numbers that come up would have been remembered on your computer OR on the sellers website.


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member

But when i pay by paypal , even "as a guest" i always get a paypal login popup ,

so i'm not logged in on the merchant site , but i i am logged in to paypal ? kind of... 

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