Can't log despite multiple successful password changes

New Community Member

I have successfully logged into my account minutes ago, but then I was logged off and couldn't log in back again.

I then created new passwords multiple times, to no avail. I'm able to do the password recovery process via e-mail: I receive the authentication code, then create a new password, and even get the password change confirmation e-mail.

When I then try to log in, I get the error "Some of your information isn't correct. Please try again."

Using the same e-mail and password does log me into this help forum, but not my actual account dashboard.


Update: now it's requesting me to authenticate via SMS or Whatsapp. However, I no longer have access to the mobile number that's registered in my account.

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New Community Member

Update: now it's requesting me to authenticate via SMS or Whatsapp. However, I no longer have access to the mobile number that's registered in my account.

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We have had the same issue for over 2 years. Thought they would have fixed it by now. The call centre is no help at all, they cant understand a word I'm saying, and theres no way to email them. The live chat is no help either as theres never anyone available to chat. So sick of the service from PayPal.

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