Why can't I log in to my PayPal on mobile phone after activating 2-step verification?


Peace and love everyone...
Why can't I log in to my PayPal on mobile phone after activating 2-step verification? The screen just went bank white and nothing happened afterwards. However, once I turned off 2-step verification using PC, I could log back in. Are there any ways to maintain that extra layer of security to my account whilst being able to log in normally on mobile phone?

Thank you for your time!

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Hello @remyinspace


Thank you for the post and welcome to our community forum!


Sorry to hear about the issues while accessing your account using 2-stepd verification. You can add an extra layer of security to your PayPal account by enabling 2-step verification for login. There are two ways to set up 2-step verification. You can check the details here.


I hope this helps!






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