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Hi there! I've contacted paypal helpservice, tried diffrent creditcards and so on.. but it won't let me send money. What can I do I really need to have access. Somehow paypal didn't manage to help me and I'm devestated. I've tried for 4 days now and it still doesn't work
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Ahoy AmosHodel,
thank you for your contribution to our online community.
There may be an account restriction on your PayPal account that restricts the availability of your PayPal account, such as sending or debiting money.
As a rule, you will also receive an e-mail about this and can view it under the bell or the conflict resolution in your PayPal account. Here you will also find information about whether you can lift the restriction or whether your account is permanently restricted.
Best regards,
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn ihr euch am Community Geschehen beteiligt und andere an euren Erfahrungen teilhaben lasst. Tipps und Tricks sind immer herzlich willkommen. Natürlich freuen wir uns darüber, wenn ihr uns einen Kudo da lasst oder die Antwort als Lösung akzeptiert.
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