Paypal Plug-in Secure Card Generator Discontinued?!


This STINKS! It looks like the Paypal Plug-in has been abandoned entirely (I’m in the US)…


I created a new account less than a month ago, downloaded the Paypal Plugin Secured Cards app and was notified that I’d have to wait 30 days for it to be active “for security purposes” [I'm sure]… I have about 12 more days until I was SUPPOSED to be able to use it…


As I was VERY thrilled about the aspect of using the Paypal Plugin, I was trying to show my friend the app today and WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!?! The application loads and brings me to the paypal site and instead of it displaying all of the info about the Paypal Plugin it says PAYPAL PLUG-IN, NO LONGER AVAILABLE!!!


Wow Paypal, not announced as a discontinued product ANYWHERE on your site (that I could find), just literally dissapeared as if it never existed, half your account reps dont even know it after I made several calls in and they asked other reps among them…


I’m extremely dissapointed as I was looking forward to using iPaypal Plug-in and especially since I have to wait about 40 days to get the regular Paypal card now…it would have been GREAT to use the Paypal Plug-in sooner. Maybe since the plugin is "no longer available" the Paypal Debit Card should be offered sooner so my business doesn't have to suffer while I wait to deposit funds into my bank account so I can turn around and buy products that my customers ordered from me.


Please note:: I'm NOT trying to bash Paypal as it's been GREAT in terms of integration into our shopping cart software and easy to use, safe, secure, etc...but from my point of view, where I need the Paypal Debit Card sooner than later and I was EXPECTING to be able to use the Paypal Plug-in as a "work-around" THIRTY DAYS before I could have used the Paypal Plug-in, this is a severe dissapointment to me and my business partners.




WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?! Does anyone from Paypal have a reason/excuse as to why this seemingly cool & useful product would dissapear with absolutely no formal reason/acknowledgement from the company that developed it? (again I may be wrong, but I could not find any info about the app being discontinued, nor have any of the support articles for the program been updated to say that Virtual Cards are gone, and so is the Paypal Plug-in)


 This makes me lose faith in RELYING on a system that in the future like this, because how am I supposed to be able to develop a "standard operating platform/procedure" all the while knowing that the product might randomly go away? Obviously I'll have to rely on the Paypal Debit Card and my other back-up funding accounts, but this whole thing just hurts =( haha.


Any comments or reasonings here would be appreciated. Thanks 😃

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I’ve been using the PayPal plug-in since it came out. It gives me a level of security I get nowhere else. It still works fine on my laptop but when I had to reload my desktop it wouldn’t run.


Turns out it works on IE 8 but there seems to be a compatibility issue with newer versions of Firefox. I’m running Firefox version 3.5.9 and it works except when saving receipts.


I’m afraid to update Firefox to the latest version as I really like the “Secure Card” feature. I won’t shop online any other way if I can help it.


I wonder if PayPal has any serious competition with good security…  I hate to expose my bank card to the internet. I know Amazon is easiest but I’m not as comfortable with their security.

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 Bank of America (and maybe other banks) has a function called Shop Safe  on their VISA credit (NOT debit) card. Same principle as Paypal with a secure virtual number for internet purchases. You do have to 'go get it'  like the card generator in Paypal so its not as seamless as paypal plug in but its a good altermative when Paypal functionality goes 'south'. I wish it was tied to their Visa check card but so far no.


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