Paypal Hold (my money) Policy


Send an email to your buyers as I have done.................. This is xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. As you may know Paypal has started a new policy of NOT releasing a buyer's payment to a seller for a period of 21 days. Paypal keeps this money (and all interest it earns) in their account until they determine that a successful transaction has taken place or 21 days passes without a complaint. I you don't mind waiting 21 days I will ship your item at that time. I do not have access to this money at all during this time which means that I do not have the money make shipments.  I can not ship your item until I am paid for it. If you like I can cancel the sale and Paypal will send your money back or you can contact Paypal about this @ 888-221-1161 toll free. Alternatively you can send payment via personal check or money order to:


City, State  Zip

I am very sorry for this situation. Please contact Paypal at the toll free # to protest if you like.

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I have a problem with this policy. If I sell an item I have to have the money also just to get it shipped to the buyer, so that will delay the buyer receiving the item sold and my money, or I have find a way to pay for the item to be shipped  then wait to get my money for selling an item. I don't think the seller should have to wait to get the money that is owed to them. What if I ship the item/items sold and the buyer receives it and uses the item? I am still setting out there waiting to receive my money.  Why? How is that right? I think if PayPal gets their money we as the seller should get ours. It's not fair that we sell something and have to wait so long to get our money. Paypal is worried about the buyer, but what about the seller. Some people sell items because they need the money now not in 21 days. What can be done for the seller?

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Ebay will now cancel any auctions (with few exceptions) that offer Money order or Cashier's Check as methods of payment. They force you to use PayPal so they can collect even more fees.

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Yeah and that is wrong also. I think if we sell something we should be able to decide how we want to be paid. I would rather have the buyer send me a money order at least when I got my money I would have it in hand instead of waiting up to 21 days before I could have it. I am sure there would be cases the buyer wouldn't pay but if they did you would have your money in hand when you shipped the merchandise. I know ebay and paypal want to make money, but we can't just give money away we need. I am not sure what the solution can be but I am sure there are one. I am just aggrivated that I can't use my own money when I need it.

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New Community Member

I agree it really is unfair. Im ether waiting on the buyer or a 21 day policy. I see it helping but if the buyer needs the money now, it doesn't help me out much. 

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nice thank you for that Im even madder...**bleep** paypal....soon as I get my money, Im never using this bull....t again. Oh I know they hear me, **bleep**, to **bleep** with paypal
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