New Summary Format



Why did you have to change a good thing. I for 1 hate the new format you have to do more searching and page advancing.

Bring back the old format, this is the second time you changed and second time I hate it.

why why why

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I totally agree, this new form is harder.  I just tried to make a shipping label using the browser Firefox, same as always, but now I have to look for what to click to make the label and when I get there, nothing I did would make the person's address show up!  I had to go back to my payment email to find it, then manually type it into the form.  After making the label, I went back to the Summary page and though it shows I made the label and the price for it, it doesn't show on the recipient's name that I've made a label.  I guess I'll have to also go edit it to add tracking info.  Surely, PayPal is going to fix all this?  Making labels was so easy before, almost effortless, how can this be 'better'??

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Paypal in the last 2 times of changing their interface/web page when you sign in has not by me at least like it at all it makes you have to load more pages to see all or more of you page of payments/item bought on ebay or any transaction including purchasing postal labels. At 1 time they had a link you could click on to view in an older format, why not offer that to your members. Who ever has the brain fart to change its web page like payapls and its members are use to it after 4-5 years why change it?  Your change on my end is not acceptable and hope other members chime in and ask for the old format back or give members the option to keep the older look.


If you do anymore upgrades please think of the members first as in this case and past updates you have not. 

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