Paypal to Paypal payment fees?


  I am trying to figure out how much the fee is,if any,when someone pays for a product using their paypal account. I didnt think there was a charge for this kind of transaction,but it seems every purchase someone makes cost me. Could someone explain it for me?? I have typed fifteen different questions in the search bar on this topic with no results.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee



In the US, the fees are the same for all account types, and can be seen in full here:


In general, this will be 2.9% + 0.30 USD, plus an additional 1% if the sender is outside of the US. 


If you choose to convert funds in your account, a fee is applied to process the currency conversion (just as your bank does when converting funds).


There is not, however, a waiver for the first $500 received if funded by any specific funding source, for any account type. 


Hope this clarifies,



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@PayPal_Adrian wrote:



In the US, the fees are the same for all account types, and can be seen in full here:


In general, this will be 2.9% + 0.30 USD, plus an additional 1% if the sender is outside of the US. 


If you choose to convert funds in your account, a fee is applied to process the currency conversion (just as your bank does when converting funds).


There is not, however, a waiver for the first $500 received if funded by any specific funding source, for any account type. 


Hope this clarifies,




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Perhaps this will explain it better, and someone PLEASE correct me if i'm wrong. I can BUY $500 worth of items online using PayPal before Paypal starts charging me for each transaction.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee



Oh no, definitely not - PayPal doesn't charge buyers for purchasing something online (unless you need us to convert currencies for you, say from US dollars to British Pounds).  Just as your local grocery store doesn't charge you more to pay at their register, PayPal won't charge you more to pay at theirs.  Smiley Happy


Hope this helps to clarify,



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