How do you "make a refund"?

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I sold some goods on ebay. Some of them then got damaged in transit. I started the eBay returns process. The buyer then proposed he keep them at a reduced price.  We agreed a new price.  I now need to issue a partial refund.  

This simple transaction is proving fantastically difficult to achieve.  

Ebay referred me to Paypal.

I received emailed instructions from Paypal which say (in French equivalent, for reasons I don't understand there has been a french component to the transaction): "Open the transaction details and select Make a refund."  However, there is no such option.

The Paypal transaction details also include the words, "the buyer opened a dispute on this transaction. Sign in to your eBay account for more information on how to resolve it" .  But Ebay referred me to Paypal to make the refund

I appear to be stuck in a loop.

Help, please !

The butyer is getting restless.

How do I just pay the refund ?

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