Dispute Enquiry about onBux


Hello, I would like to enquire about a Dispute/claim against onBux Ltda. I have made around 1348$ Purchases at onBux Ltda. These purchases include several referral pack purchases as well as ultimate membership upgrade. onBux Ltda, is a bux site and like all other bux site you need to wait atleast 2-3 months to get your payment return, so I waited and when I recently asked for a 345$ payment on my account I got no payment from onBux Ltda, which PROMISES to pay its ultimate members INSTANTLY. I am an ultimate member and a transaction record at paypal also shows that i purchased the item ultimate membership at onBux.


Now I am in real trouble as this site is not paying me what it describes and is using paypal to scam members. 

I have no intentions to continue on this website and any of their schemes. I just want a swift action from Paypal to refund all my purchases. I am unable to open a dispute/claim as 45 days have passed, but Paypal must have any method to help me as this is a serious matter and onBux is really scaming alot of members.



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There is a very good reason why Paypal won't answer here and the reason is because its PAYPAL THAT IS THE PROBLEM.


I have just checked the rules and PAYPAL will not refund unless its a physical item that can be posted.


Therefore, if you've spent money at Onbux, you can wave it goodbye, because Paypal will not refund. You can claim but Paypal will find in favour of the seller every single time. Why do you think the site owners never respond to claims against them. Its because they know as long as they say nothing then Paypal will just find in their favour every time.


Paypal can and does lock accounts where there are lots of complaints, but if they just sit tight and say nothing eventually Paypal re-opens their accounts again and gives them all the money. Those that have been scammed lose everything.


I have similar cases open, and I know I'll lose, but the good thing about putting in a claim is it means they have to wait till the claim is over before they can get to it. I know I'll lose the money in the end, but if I can make life as hard for the scammer as possible then its worth it.


Thats why the mods won't ever answer in these threads because they are too scared to tell you that Paypal openly and is happy to allow the scammers to get away with it. They get their fees from the transaction, so they don't care.


You can wave your money goodbye, you can forget getting paid by Onbux. They wont be paying you, you won't get a refund, and the worst thing is they've used Paypal to scam you, and Paypal is happy to let them do it. Worse than that, they actually help them, because its the stupidity of the rules of Paypal that let them.


Site owners know how stupid Paypal is, and thats why they do it.

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If anyone has any doubts, I'll prove how Paypal is actively allowing scammers to get away with it.


I used a site similar to Onbux, and paid $15 for an upgrade to a senior account.


After two weeks the site owner pretended he's sold the site and cancelled all upgrades. Further proof showed he hadn't sold the site, and anyone wanting to get their money had to pay him more money. The new site owner had exactly the same paypal account as the old owner.. How ironic...


I put in a claim, but no response was given from the seller. So I escalated to a claim under the argument that what I'd received was significantly different to what I'd paid for. I'd paid for a months upgrade and got 2 weeks. Now unless Paypal go to a different school of learning than I did, 2 weeks isn't a month, so if you receive two weeks worth of a service when you pay for a month, what you've got is SIGNIFICANTLY diffferent to what you thought you would get.


As I say, I escalated the claim, and Paypal sent the site owner an email asking for a response. The site owner made no response whatsoever. No replies, nothing. He completely ignored it.


Paypal have now ruled in his favour. No explanation why, no valid excuse as to why the seller is to be believed and my story isnt. All he had to do was sit and say nothing. Wait 3 weeks and Paypal would automatically rule in his favour.


What f'in planet do these people at Paypal live on. Its like going to a shop, paying £300 for a TV and then getting it home to find three weeks later it doesn't work. You go back to the shop, and ask them to fix it. They sit there for 12 months with the TV, saying nothing, doing nothing, and then the manufacturer coming back and saying "sorry the warranty has expired, the shop doesn't need to give you a new TV or a refund"


You can forget getting your money off Paypal. They are complicit in these scams. They've got their fees, so they really don't care if you get scammed.


Theres a simple rule. DONT USE PAYPAL on these sites. Use ALERTPAY or OKPAY. They offer proper protection which you can claim back if the site is a scam. Paypal doesn't. It actually rewards them.....

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Dear David,
Thank you very much for your answer.

I will very high apreciate if you will take into consideration my following remarks related to Onbux.

These remarks will make you to think that Onbux does everything with bad intentions and knowing how Paypal act in these disputes.

I have made around 1200 USD Purchases on Onbux Ltda. as you can see in my activity report. These purchases include several referral pack purchases and several membership statement purchases. First I was standard member, then Golden spent 90 $ and finally Ultimate spent 860 $.

onBux Ltda, is a bux site and like all other bux site you need to wait at least 2-3 months to get your payment return.
My first remark is that Onbux stimulate you to invest showing increasing activity of your referals and everything looks great in the first 45 days after your investition. You couldn't think about something bad. After these 45 days the bad luck appears - you cannot acces the site, your rented referals are lazy, they didn't work anymore and for your surprise you are not able to cashout even. I realized these thinks and after 60 days from my big invest in Ultimate I tryed to recover some parts of my investition and I succeded only 205 $ via Paypal claims because these was in the timeframe of 45 days.
My second remark is that all the goods are sold through internet are virtual. They earn being only if the buyer will received them. The seller can show you pictures of some goods but these goods are not tangible, their propreties may vary. It's true - in the case of trackable items 45 days is a large and sufficient period for the buyer to receive his virtual product, to see how the virtual product become tangible.
In the case of Onbux, they know about the 45 days period and after that period they ruin a member. And then another member will follow.   

Please increase the period of claim for these PTC site, you will see how these sites will disapear.

Please help to recover my investment in Onbux.  
Thank you
Kindest Regards
Ciprian Florin Halasz

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Hi David,

I posted on here earlier about my troubles with Onbux as well. I have a question however with paypal concerning Onbux. Has paypal decided not to allow any more payments to Onbux? It seems that for almost a week now people havent gotten paid period from paypal through Onbux and Onbux said they were doing maintenence work with you guys. There are an incredible amount of people waiting to get paid and Onbux promises they will pay instantly by the end of the month. Of course I ask because I realize that realisticly Paypal cant pay back all of our money that we were scamed. However I hold out a glimpse of hope that Onbux will pay through paypal the $150 still pending with me for over a month. But the real question is has Paypal limited Onbux or completely decided not to allow any more payments through paypal? This would be very helpfull to all of us on this board to hear the answer.


Thanks again for your time David,


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 I am writing because I never received my money in which Onbux has owed me for 20+ buisness days. The amount is $154. I am a gold member and have always been loyal. When I wrote a suppot ticket they didnt reply rather sent me to the back of the payment que. Now the Company Onbux no longer accepts paypal at all. I feel like I was scamed. I have invested hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I payed $90 to become golden on January 26,2011 but it is past the deadline to dispute it now even though I used paypal to purchase it. I also have now $150 in  my account that sits there and I cannot cash it out.  I would like a full refund of $394 inluding the $154 still pending, $150 in my account and $90 membership refund. Onbux refuses to answer my messages, has banned me from the forum and will ban anyone who speaks badly of them. I feel as though Onbux will let down their loyal members like me and never pay them, instead they pay only small amounts of money. I would like to know how paypal is involved because Onbux has been disabled from paypal a few days.

                                                             Thank You,


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I have the same problem  but I'm a golden member. I purchased upgrade last year and continuously receive instant payment  february 20, 2011 to  march 04, 2011... so I assume I was in the whitelist as they were saying of 62%  since I was receiving instant payment from first week of february to first week of march.  But when I ask for payment 8 days after march 04, it was said that I had to wait 7-10 business day and my account was suddenly under review and i can no longer post in their forum, I waited for more than 10 business days already for payment and did not receive a single cent. As observed they suddenly change their TOS to delay payments so that people will not file a dispute before 45 days to further scam people so that they'll invest in that site. As to their TOS i have not violated any, even my posts doesn't violate any rules.


Also, to my friend who had just upgraded last january which did not receive an instant payment since the day they invested.

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New Community Member

Same problem is here, but I'm a golden member of onbux.com. Onbux is really a scam site. I requested a cashout of $85 on 1st March, 2011 but they have not paid me yet. They are not paying their users and using PayPal to scam the users. They are earning bad reputation for PayPal. PayPal shoul help us to get back all our money from this scam site onbux.com.

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David, I am still waiting for your response on how to proceed and open a dispute and resolve this issue, as I have a huge amount at stake to these scammers. Something must be done immedieatly for me and all who posted here to stop this widespread scam.

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Dear Jahanzeb


There is a hope. Please look at the answer of paypal team, and please action for our interest:


Dear Ciprian Florin Halasz,

Thank you for taking the time to contact PayPal in relation to
recovering funds after 45 days.

I have reviewed your email and attached the information to the claims
regarding this seller.

I can see you have previously been advised if a claim is filed after 45
days it cannot be reviewed.

I understand your concern about this seller and the information has been
passed on to the relevant department however at this time the closed
claims cannot be reviewed.

Please be aware the claims will remain on the sellers account for 180
days and if we do receive a number of similar complaints we may force an

I realise that this is not the outcome you would have wished for and I
know it may not meet with your approval but I do hope you will
understand that this decision was made in accordance with our company
policy. While I cannot change this I will make sure you objection is
duly recorded.

Thank you for choosing PayPal.

PayPal, an eBay Company

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This is not the answer we are looking for from paypal. We all deserve to know what paypal's relationship is with Onbux considering paypal will not release payment through Onbux to members who have invested and have been waiting for months, but at the same time paypal will go through Onbux if members want to upgrade thier account or buy more referalls. This doesnt make any sense to me and no one will explain it. Im out $400 at this point and at the very least I feel that myself and the others on this board deserve an explanation of why we have no chance of getting our money back or at least an explanation on why Paypal continues to allow people to pay out money to invest in Onbux but wont allow us to receive our payments we have been waiting for. Is there no justice? Please just a simple explanation of what is going on so we can move on with our lives.

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