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I have a dispute with a buyer...

I sent a package to him, USPS. I thought everything was cool. He asked about the package right after I sent it and asked if I sent it fed-ex...He only paid a few dollars for shipping and became belligerent when I told him that I used USPS. I explained that USPS doesnt have tracking numbers (Why I couldnt give him one) and started insulting me for not using it....I guess he has a business account with them and can ship stuff for cheaper but jeez. This man was rude.

Anyway, I didnt want an irrational person leaving me terrible rep so I offered to just cancel the order if he would return the package to sender....He agreed, and said yes.

So next he tells me he never received the package. I told him I definitely sent it. I am skeptical that he didnt receive it and then he claims that he has trouble receiving packages at his address unless they have delivery confirmation...So being the trusting person that I am, I offered a refund without the item assuming that he really was unable to receive the package and that it was probably lost....this was a condition offer...I told him to wait a few more days.

Next email, he is even more belligerent. He tells me that I definitely didnt send it because if I did he would have gotten it by now! AAAHHAA!! Liar!

At this point I am convinced that he did receive the initial package, that he is trying to pull a scam because he knows I dont have delivery confirmation or a tracking number. I tell him that I revoke my offer for a refund (It was offered based on false pretenses) and I will send the item as promised, only with delivery confirmation this time.

He opens a dispute with paypal demanding his refund.

So I send the item with fed-ex (Expensive!). I did this because I resent getting robbed and taken advantage of by con-artists. Even though I lost money on the transaction this way, I would loose a little more if he kept the item and also got a refund. That isnt right, especially after catching him in a lie. I wasnt about to issue a refund for a liar to kept my package....and I have a great product, one that most people would be happy with unless they already had the same item I shipped earlier...He never had a problem with the quality of my work.

So I submit the tracking number to paypal and explain the whole thing...I explain that he was caught in a lie and that my offer for a refund was conditional on the claim that he would return the item or that he was unable to receive the package, and that I made it clear that no refund would be given....So what does he do? He refuses the package and has it returned to sender....not because there is any problem with the work, but he conveniently changed his mind about wanting it after the first package mysteriously vanished.

So now he is cutting and pasting things I said (selectively), making it sound like I was offering him a refund even without returning the original package (I made things clear in our final conversations, so he was not under this impression by any means.)He is refusing the package to claim he did not receive it so he can get a full refund and presumably also keep the item from the first package that he claims never arrived.

I could just take the loss but this really **bleep** me off.

Am I in the right here or should I have just given him a full refund and let him keep the item too?

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I got taken for a laptop that way. the buyer received the package, took the laptop and put some rocks in the package to make it weigh exactly what the laptop did. then pulled a scam on me. After waiting endlessly for paypal to do nothing, i went to the buyer's home, confronted the surprised man and told him if my laptop wasnt in my hands in 3 minutes, the cops would come down and arrest him because there was proof he received it, and that I was doing this as a courtesy so he had a chance to not let his neighbors what a crook he was. I left there with my laptop.

I know I was risking a lot, but I was NOT gonna be taken for a fool. Worse case, I may have gone to jail, but the man would have never forgot me after looking in the mirror every morning.

Anyhow. Dispute was cancelled before I got home from his house....


(He lived in the same state, only about 75 miles from me, thank god.)


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Yeah, this guy lives in Lake Forest California, right down the street from my Grandmothers home. Maybe I or some friends of mine should pay him a visit....maybe just snoop around to see if he has the item on him. I mean, how many dudes with stretched ears could be working at one photo shop in a small mall building in Lake Forest? I have friends who live right down the street where I grew up. Somebody could go scope it out and see if he has been seen with the item.


Its really suspcisiou that he suddenly didnt want the item when I offered a replacement, but was beyond thrilled when he was first ordering. The only reasonable conclusion is that he was pulling a scam.



I have good news though....paypal refunded me most of the money out of their own pockets.....I really appreciate that. I have ben frustrated with how paypal does things sometmes, but they have really been making up for it when they cover my loss like that.


Still, I am mad about the principle of the things. Yeah I at least broke even between the item and shipping/packaging, but I would almost rather loose money to make sure this guy didnt get out of paying and just got stuck with a useless duplicate...Its just the principle that this guy is out to **bleep** people through lying. I dont want to enable this person into thinking this is a good way to get free stuff...I mean, I am not some huge slave driving chain corporation exploiting my workers and mad that my minimum wage workers are stealing some french fries....I am a poor disabled student who supports his family through hand made crafts. Its doesnt seem right to take advantage of your fellow man like that.


I guess for now on I have to start treating everyone like a potential con artist.


I just learned that paypal will accept USPS deliver confirmation, even without tracking. Thats a good thing...too bad I didnt know that earlier...He wouldnt have ben able to refuse the package.


Thank you paypal for making this right at your own expense. Despite it working out for me I am still mad that he got something for nothing without any regard for me....It wasnt a huge purchase but it really **bleep** me off.

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This customer has harassed me and threatened me with negative feedback. She said it was because the speakers were not crisp enough in sound then said they were broke to you. I have all emails to prove my case along with I bought the item from another Ebay seller. I tried to get her to return the item for a refund, but she refused to do so. She wanted to keep the item, get a refund and leave negative feedback when nothing was mis-represented and the speakers were clearly shown in picture and details clear. She wants $50 speaker sound for 99 cents speakers. You just emailed me stating you refunded her the complete purchase and you did not even say she had to return them. How do you make that decision when it's my item that I bought? Now I have to get my money stolen, my item stolen and take a negative feedback from Ebay for a dishonest customer. 100% feedback out of 1357 happy customers until this one. Why would you not question that or make her prove they were broken? Do you support your sellers at all? You gave her my item with a full refund; that is like stealing my merchandise and my money. I've been on here since 12/06 with no case claims since 9/09; which were all taken care of right. Why would you punish me for someone's dishonesty? I cannot even chance selling on here anymore if this is how I'm going to be treated. Why would you treat your long time sellers this way? I had 100% feedback and great DSR ratings on item as described,my only low rating was on shipping cost which I cannot control,so I offer calculated shipping and that still has not made a difference. This is one case in a years time and you gave me no chance to prove my case; and just gave her the refund. Why, this is so unjust. This is why sellers are so unhappy with Ebay; you protect the buyers to the fullest but the sellers just get scammed by people like this. I want details of why this happened. Please make customer stop harassing me and feedback should be deleted since is was a lie. You need to look into this further because this is the topping on the cake on how Ebay has been treating me when I do nothing but try to be a great seller. I do this full-time for my family, why would I jeopardize that in any way; especially over a $16 sale? You are not looking out for us, the people who are here everyday and work hard to give you hundreds of dollars a month no matter how much we sell. These buyers come and go, a lot of them don't even pay and get away with it and keep buying. Why is this allowed?

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