Unauthorized transaction



i have made a shoppy.gg a website to sell my products i just make it a new and testing something by putting codes for services and this codes for money

so i just received that someone buy from me then after 30min i received a claim by this guy called (unauthorized transaction) and i replay to paypal that i already send him the code (virtual services) so now the money is in hold but i tried to call paypal and tell him i need to give him the money
no one replay me

i need to know what mean of unauthorized transaction and why i can't refund to his money and close this although he receive the key and i have the invoice

and now saying
There is an open dispute associated with this transaction. Visit the Resolution Center to view status.
We’re reviewing your case and will get back to you soon

The buyer reported that someone made the order without their permission. Until this case is closed, we've also placed a hold on the transaction amount.


i need to know when they will replay .. and what is my situation about this ? is this mean that i make this unauthorized his account ? or not related to me

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