Paypal Expect Me to Pay £450 to Courier

New Community Member

I bought and collected (a 12 hour round trip) an item for £1000 but when i got it home and connected it all up found it to be faulty so opened a dispute. This went in my favour as it was mis sold but im told i must send the item back by courier before i'll get my refund. Doing this will leave me out of pocket by £450 through no fault of my own. How can this possibly be fair?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



You would be lucky to get anything back to be honest as buyer protection does not cover items that are personally collected or delivered.

However as paypal appear not to know that you collected it then they have found in your favour ................

Paypal state this >>
PayPal is not obliged to reimburse you for any costs that you incur to comply with any of PayPal’s requests for cooperation for the purpose of resolving the problem (including, without limitation, costs that you incur to return a SNAD item to the Payment Recipient or another party as PayPal requests), although sometimes it may reimburse these costs.

Although they will compensate you for some of the cost if you have activated this at some point before you made that transaction .....

If you buy from a business in the UK then you can normally recover those return costs via the small claims court although most UK businesses would reimburse you anyway. (BUT if you choose to buy from a private or international seller you may not have that option).
You also have the option to do a chargeback via your card issuer instead of a Paypal dispute if you funded your Paypal payment via a credit card.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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