Account Limited during Corona Pandemic and no Call Center Assistance

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I am beyond frustrated with PayPal. I had 2200.00 sent to me as this would be the only bit of money I’ll have until my job gets reinstated from this pandemic. Oddly enough, my account that I’ve held for years magically became “limited” as soon as my money was sent to me. So I immediately follow the instructions that are given to lift these limitations and I change my password and I upload my Drivers License. Not surprisingly, nothing happens with my account. I’m still unable to access any of my money. So I try to call customer service yesterday during normal business hours.....and Alas, amid this Corona pandemic, PayPal recklessly has shut down their call centers. So now we have no way of reaching anyone to help us. It then directs me to send a message. So I do so....ohhhhh but imagine this.....again, nobody is checking messages. Try again tomorrow. So first thing this morning I send messages starting at 8am like advised. With a message that says it will likely take a couple of hours to get a response. Well, it’s been 7 hours. And you guessed it, no response. And at this point, I highly doubt I’ll see a response. Meanwhile, PayPal joyfully gets to collect interest on my 2200.00 dollars while my account remains “limited” and they sit on the only money I have to survive. I have no gas, no groceries, and a 5 year old that is ill. And thanks to PayPal, I am literally stranded. I feel this was a strategic play on PayPal’s part to hold funds to collect interest at the cost of the consumer. During this time of need in the world, I don’t see how PayPal can get be getting away with such unethical practices. I can’t believe anything about it is legal. Holding someone’s money hostage without any way to remedy the problem because PayPal has **bleep** down their call centers? Ever heard of remote customer service PayPal? This is incredibly maddening and I need help figuring out how to get my money. I don’t foresee PayPal re-employing and staffing their call centers anytime what? Are we just expected to go hungry and die while we wait for PayPal to unlock our Accts? Which wAs locked simply because someone sent me money? That seems a little backwards to me. You provide a service and once we utilize the service, that is hardly a red flag for suspicion. Money transferring is what PayPal is. How can the service they provide also be the same thing that allows them to lock your acct and steal your money indefinitely. Has anyone else had any luck during this corona pandemic getting through to anyone at PayPal? Or getting their money back into the rightful hands., I genuinely wish to pursue legal action and I feel a class action lawsuit may easily be brought to the table. But in the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions as to how I may get my money out of PayPal,I would be forever grateful. It’s quite literally the only money so have and I desperately need it. Thank you!!!!!
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Esteemed Advisor



The limitation is due i expect to this new policy.,-paypal-ca...


Due to the pandemic customer services are working a scaled down service as this is an unprecented crises.

So i guess yours is only 1 of a thousand awaiting a reply from them.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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They are doing this to me right now.

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I have 2 cards with 25K limit on each. Tried to spend $50 @ Verizon and declined for "security issues" as was every other attempt. Called and they said was fixed and back end issue, but only lasted a couple of hours. PAYPAL is WORTHLESS to use. If a customer pays me then I can't trust to get the $$ and I have a working capital loan that is hindered. Pandemic and PayPal is keeping customers in good standing from their money? There should be Federal, criminal charges. Class action...customers get $25 attorneys get $25 million.
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Same here, no reply to emails for the past 4 weeks, can't call because of the pandemic. They are willing to let money go into my account, but will not allow me to withdraw or transfer.

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Just as you are in the worst way of this horrible played out plan straight from PayPal's unlawful plan. I am going thru the same exact thing except for I am now homeless and have absolutely no way to pay for anything. I have sent over 30 messages, I have called over 12 times with choosing different promts just to get told "NO ONE IN THE PAYPAL COMPANY GIVES A CRAP". Fact is PAYPAL STOLE OUR MONEY and it sure seems almost as if the IRS may be in on it. Take a look at the IRS recommendations..they to have given us false sense of security that by us signing up for our funds to be sent to your PayPal account for direct deposit, that those funds would be available. NOPE. THEY NOT ONLY CUT US OFF FROM OUR BASIC RIGHTS OF FREEDOM BUT NOW THEY ARE TAKING WHAT EVER WE HAVE TO EVEN SURVIVE. I'm not happy and I'll be proceeding with a law suit ASAP!
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PayPal is acting hostile taking advantage of these tragic times. We need to get this to the media DFS and your states congressman/woman attention!
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I created an account just to reply to this, I'm in the same boat. I was sent a refund from an item on eBay just before the virus kicked off and according to my mail it's cleared, however it's not showing on my account balance or on my card, and no one can help or answer and it's been weeks of stress for me as it's £500 of missing money I could really do with right now. The call center doesn't even highlight that you will never get through, lets you go through the options but no one is there, I've tried calling PayPal over 100 times and just give up, the messages you send only get you automatic replies, impossible to talk to a human, I feel considering they are basically a banking service this must be completely illegal what they are doing.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Live chat is an option that is there sometimes (country dependent).

have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a personal message from their facebook or twitter pages.
It's: and @AskPayPal for Twitter.

May take a while to get a message back again but it does work off and on...guess dependent on staff available.


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I'm in the UK, there's no live chat at the moment for me, no option to send a message I only get automated responses I have been trying that for a week now, I tried Facebook and all the chat bot does is divert me back to here, the live chat or agent chat is unavailable there as well. This company is an absolute sham
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