Some of the worst customer service I have ever experienced!



Thought this may be worth addressing as Im about to cancel my paypal account as to be honest Im fed up with the frustrating customer service offered from this huge company.
Beyond the fact that to even speak to a human you have to navigate through lots of menus which takes up to 10 minutes (nice way to make yet more money from us!)- then end up with multiple being put on hold, until its gets to the stage of being on hold so long I have no choice but to hang up (for over half an hour in total!).

You would think that with paypal having my up to date phone number and with me asking to speak to a supervisor to try and resolve an issue with my account (adding a card) that someone might possibly phone me back... Nope. So what option am I left with now- trying to phone back (more menus to navigate), email (48 hour wait for a genaric cut and paste response which will not help).

Very frustrating!

I am left with the ridiculous situation that I cannot add my bank card to my account as the expiry had run out on my old one, went to update to the new one (same number, just diff exp date), and now get told that as the card has been previously linked to another paypal account I cannot use it?!? Despite the card working fine the day before on the account, now I have tried to update I CANNOT. Was told by the representitive on the phone that I would have to conatct my bank and request a new card number! How ridiculous is that! So because of some system issue with paypal I have to change my card number and all the other accounts that I use the card with (funnily enough Amazon, Apple etc have no problem with me updating the new card details on thier systems...) 
So ask to speak to a supervisor about this issue- get to,d it wont make any differance, as its paypal policy, but push on regardless- get put on hold for 10 minutes, then told will transfer you now... And then just end up on hold for another 10 minutes befor edeciding to give up.

Will just add that the card was linked to an old account with a diff email address years ago, closed that down and removed the card before setting up my new (current) account, and have been using the exact same card since. The only thing that has changed is the expiry date- and now paypal are telling me that I know cant use this card!? 
Beyond frustrating, and 'customer service' not willing at all to help. Very shoddy for such a huge company who have made a lot of money from me over the years.

Well no more, shall be closing my account now.


Edit- fired up the PC to replace formatting which bizarrley was lost from posting on my iPad....

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Also frustrating is posts that have no paragraphs so sorry could not read through all that as it would make my eyes squiffy.

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It was fully paragraphed... Apparently as I am using safari on an iPad it completly removes my formatting.... Never had this problem on any other message boards. Ho hum.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

thats a nuisance then.


I will see if i can get the gist of it.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

OK first tip is when you phone forget navigating the menus just hold on till you get an agent.


Secondly did you remove your other card? Because you did not need to you just needed to update it?

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Fired up the PC to re-edit the post, now is hopefully a bit more readable 😉


Yeah, I removed the card, then tried to re-add the updated one. This was obviously my mistake as now I cannot add the card again, and paypal refuse to help or do anything about it.

Just seems a crazy situation, and they are not willing to help. Just find being left on hold for ages and then forgotton about very frustrating.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

That was the problem then, you should not have removed the other one just updated it.


Now you are trying to add one that paypals system recognises as already on the account.


I would give it a few days to see if it "clears" and then try and add it again, if not then you may have to try a completely different card. 

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Well i removed the old card a few weeks ago, so really shouldn't have been 'linked' to the account anymore. Removed the old one before i had activated the new one, just thought id add it on next time I purchased something.

There's never been any fraudulant activity on the account or the card- just the expiry date changing, seems ridiculous that I wouldnt just be able to add it back to my account. 

Its only ever been attached to one account previous to this, and the card got removed before I closed the old account to open up my current one.

I also don't have any other cards, so will basically be unable to use my account now.


I object to being told that I've got to now contact my bank to get a new card if i want to carry on using it. As I said i use this card on other online stores with no problems what so ever.


Handy hint in regards to try and get though to someone quicker on the phones but to be honest find the experiance of actually getting anywhere to frustrating, and Im not willing to just sit there 'on hold' for over half an hour- when im ultimatly going to be told- tough there is nothing paypal are going to do.


To be honest was going to close the account last year after getting 'locked out' of my account for over a month- ultimatly turned out to be a fauly on paypal's end (log-in issue), but again that tooks weeks of frustrating phone calls and emails to get to the bottom of. Eventually was able to access my account, but no apaologies or even contact to say issue was sorted, just had to keep trying. 


Once my account is closed, will i still be blocked from using my card on retailers who use paypal to process card payments? Very frustrating if so, as despite my wishes not to give paypal my buisiness they do seem to have a bit of a monopoly on online payment transactions.

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New Community Member

 SO THAT I GET YOUR ATTENTION , I have resorted to posting my Problem on :


That my weekend , has been disrupted , is AN UNDERSTATEMENT !


THAT I will be inconvenienced by SELLERS refusing to accept cheques , is a CERTAINTY ! 


Already been advised that the one Item i NEED , has been withdrawn !


FOR A COMMERCIAL ORGANISATION to give their " clients " the finger , IS UNACCEPTABLE !


This is not the WW2 era , nor Syria , where people behave with IMPUNITY !


RESPECT for clients , ANYWHERE ELSE , is the NORM !


REPLY TO : skippi at          URGENTLY !

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I absolutely agree! Worst customer service ever! I am currently deployed and I have stated via email several times that I am deployed and I have no access to a phone. Every email response I get tells me to call customer service. I highly doubt a real live person has even read my questions and issues I am having. By far the worst customer service! Needless to say I will not be using Paypal at all. No big loss, I never used it anyways I was just trying something new.
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