paypal withdraw problems ?

Hi all Sold 4 iyems on ebay ..and wish to post as fast as possile ...i try my best to ship with in 2 days as i am unemployed is very very tight so being able to with draw funds for postage is seriously important .... Now i am getting angry messages from my customers how long itsntakeing to recieve there goods ....whichnwill impact on my sellers feed back ...all becaus paypal is takeing so long to do something a high street bank takes seconds to do I am most unhappy atnthis shocking poor service ? I am getting from paypal So much so that i am now thinking about asking customers to use other paymet methords in preference to paypal ! Any comments would be most welcom in an affort to get layapl to het there act together
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Well after looking at all the comments from many many thousands of frustrated angy paypal customers ...i have decided on my ebay listing to actively ask customer to use other payment Methords i now lost any comfidence i had in paypal .... Paypal has cost me customer confidence ...feed back rateing .....and caused emotional stress to my self .....
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paypal have messed me around so much i feel i will close my account with them. they say i was £17.00 in negative payment. they phoned and asked for permission to take the money,i agreed , and yet my account is still blocked paypal history states it failed and yet £40.00 was taken for items at the same time, but still i cant pay for they ask for a credit card of which they already have but want me to add one, i am going round and round in circles, best part is they make money out of all of us and they cant sort my problem out, terrible show ebay,paypal i have no faith in you anymore.

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