can i / how do i cancel pending withdrawl?



i set the wheels in motion to withdrew £85 to my bank account about 2hrs ago, but i thought something didn't seem right (the £5 'speedy' withdrawl was no longer an option, etc).

now i've seen all of these messages about problems with withdrawls. not what i wanted to hear. yes, it also said about the 24hr security check in the email i received to notify of my withdrawl too.

if there is currently all these problems with withdrawls, i just want to cancel it completely for now and for the funds to go back into my paypal account .it is obviously 'pending' at the moment.

i haven't been able to figure out how to do it though, and i can't find anything in the help section.

can anybody tell me how to do this please? or do i actually have to call paypal and ask them to cancel it?

any info would be appreciated.

i hope you all resolve your own issues soon!

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If you want to cancel a withdrawal you can call Paypal and request it, as long as the status still says 'pending'. They may tell you that they can't do it but trust me, they can - they've cancelled 2 of mine this week.You may have to demand to speak to a supervisor, I did for my 2nd one. By the way they will charge you 50p for this and bear in mind the cost of the call.



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