Withdrawing money in USD instead of my local currency


Hi everyone,

I've recently added a new VISA card to my account. Unlike my former card that was in my local currency, Croatian kuna, my new card is in USD. However, when I try to withdraw money, PayPal automatically makes currency conversion into my national currency. I think it is only because I'm from Croatia so they asume that all my cards are in Croatian kuna? I see no option to change it, so I have written to PayPal (apparently, a friend had the same problem and PayPal stopped the unnecessary conversion after she sent them an e-mail). Anyway, I'd like to hear what you have to say about this.

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Hello. Help me please. I live in Poland and I got money to my PayPal acc in Eur. I have an EUR bank account. Why do I need conversion If I send money to eur account? 

Solve this problem.


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because you are in POLAND,YOUR local currency is in Euro.

So when you want to transfer US $ to your Euro bank account,Paypal will convert it to Euro ,conversion cost is now 3%.

Paypal makes money on conversion.

if you dont like it,then do not transfer to your bank,keep it as US$ in your Paypal account.

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@Whac-A-Mole, that is not exactly correct. I simply solved this issue by contacting PayPal and asking them to stop conversion because I have a Croatian / EU bank account in USD, not EUR or my local currency. They switched my account to USD and that's it.
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@Friggasdotter wrote:
@Whac-A-Mole, that is not exactly correct. I simply solved this issue by contacting PayPal and asking them to stop conversion because I have a Croatian / EU bank account in USD, not EUR or my local currency. They switched my account to USD and that's it.

They switched your PAYPAL account to US$?

Poland local currency is Euro $ and it switches your account to US $,HARD TO BELIEVE.

Then what happens when soemone send you GBP,what does Paypal do?,

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Oh wow, the things one can read online... Dude, you can believe whatever you want, as hard or as easy as want. Since I've been selling with PayPal for years, I'm quite sure that I know the facts about my own account a little bit better than you do. You are free to take a look at the original post. It was me who started this thread 3 years ago. Everything is explained in that post and there is also a solution given by Erica from PayPal, telling the exact same thing. This solution was recommended to me by *dozens* of other sellers based in Croatia who did the same. Now, I can't know of that is something PayPal still does in 2017, but back when my problem was solved, it was completely normal. What happens when someone send me GBP, is that a serious question or you just don't know how online payments work?? PayPal provides automatic currency conversion based on seller’s listing currency, obviously. My webshop offers the customers to shop in one of 10 major currencies, but I am set up in USD (something I did because almost all of my buyers are from the US) so no matter how they shop, I'm getting my preferred currency, USD. Next time, before you laugh at original poster's answer, I kindly recommend you to read the whole thread instead of expressing that YOU can't BELIEVE something. Personal beliefs don't belong in ecommerce, facts do.
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@Friggasdotter wrote:
Oh wow, the things one can read online... Dude, you can believe whatever you want, as hard or as easy as want. Since I've been selling with PayPal for years, I'm quite sure that I know the facts about my own account a little bit better than you do. You are free to take a look at the original post. It was me who started this thread 3 years ago. Everything is explained in that post and there is also a solution given by Erica from PayPal, telling the exact same thing. This solution was recommended to me by *dozens* of other sellers based in Croatia who did the same. Now, I can't know of that is something PayPal still does in 2017, but back when my problem was solved, it was completely normal. What happens when someone send me GBP, is that a serious question or you just don't know how online payments work?? PayPal provides automatic currency conversion based on seller’s listing currency, obviously. My webshop offers the customers to shop in one of 10 major currencies, but I am set up in USD (something I did because almost all of my buyers are from the US) so no matter how they shop, I'm getting my preferred currency, USD. Next time, before you laugh at original poster's answer, I kindly recommend you to read the whole thread instead of expressing that YOU can't BELIEVE something. Personal beliefs don't belong in ecommerce, facts do.


Based on my understaning,current PAYPAL policy-

you can keep the incoming payment as GBP,US$,YEN in your paypal account,but when itc omes time to transfer them to your local bank,Paypal would do the conversion (3%) from GBP.YEN,US$ into your local currency ,then send it to your local bank.

I am just a volunteer,not debate team president,if it works for you,then more power to you,Good bye


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If it's not too much of a bother, can you please explain/detail all the steps you took to convince PayPal to allow you to withdraw USD to a non US account? Because I have gone through queries with them a while ago, and they told me there is absolutely no way to make any withdrawals in USD, since I have an account outside of US (EU country, EUR currency).


My particular situation though is that I do sell (thru eBay), in USD (ebay.com), I do NOT have a business account with PayPal, only a private Premier account. Also, I don't have huge volumes of sales, on average my sales thru PayPal/eBay are about 4000-4500 USD worth/month.


Right now whenever I withdraw funds from my PayPal, I am forced to convert it back to EUR everytime, which of course costs me 2.5% or so, and on top of that I pay 2 EUR withdrawal fee. Another strange thing is that I have an upper limit on how much I can withdraw each time, which is 1200 EUR, so even though at times my PayPal balance is close to 10k USD for example, I can only withdraw 1200 EUR at a time, which again increases my fees since they charge 2 EUR for this, so I get 1198 EUR net.


So do you think I have any solution with my Premier account, to make withdrawals into USD, for which I have an account already opened here in my country? Any suggestions/ideas are most welcome.

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Hi! I live in the Philippines and I have two bank accounts linked to my paypal--one in Philippine pesos and the other one in US dollars. I would like to withdraw my paypal funds in US dollars but whenever I try to withdraw, paypal automatically converts my dollars into pesos no matter which account I use. As you suggested, I called the customer service, but the agent said that I cannot withdraw in dollars because my bank account is based in the Philippines. I can only receive in dollars if my bank account is US-based. Can you help me with this? Thanks!

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@Joy72 wrote:

Hi! I live in the Philippines and I have two bank accounts linked to my paypal--one in Philippine pesos and the other one in US dollars. I would like to withdraw my paypal funds in US dollars but whenever I try to withdraw, paypal automatically converts my dollars into pesos no matter which account I use. As you suggested, I called the customer service, but the agent said that I cannot withdraw in dollars because my bank account is based in the Philippines. I can only receive in dollars if my bank account is US-based. Can you help me with this? Thanks!

Paypal is a US company,as a gesture of goodwill to American expatriates living in foreign country,he is allowed to link both local and US bank accounts to his Paypal account.

But for local linking local banks,Paypal will convert all incoming foreign currencies into local currencies.there is a 3% conversion fee.


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No, paypal make some programs and funds whatever they want, but those money are taken FROM YOU ! and this is a robbery !

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