Paypal requesting documentation from a 3rd party to confirm that shoes were used


So paypal ruled in favor of the buyer and from what I've learned no surprise there. Today I recieved the shoes I had sold to the buyer. He used the actual shoes box as the shipping box even though I sent it to him double boxed. The shoes are a pair of Balenciagas Arena so now I cant include the original box if I resell it is damaged taped on and written on. 


Thank god I recieved the original shoes back but now they are completley worn not in the condition I shipped them. I filed an appeal cause now they are worth half there value. Paypal is requesting I take it to someone a third party who can document this. My question is who would I take the shoes to verify this? Any ideas? On my orignal ebay ad they clearly show the pictures of how the condition the shoes were in so its clear to see they are not in the same condition now. I even took picture of how the box came shouldnt that be enough for paypal rather then me trying to find some kind of shoe appraiser? lol If you guys have any ideas let me know.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Find a shop / company that sells the shoes and see if they can confirm in writing for you that the shoes have been worn.


Or do you have something like trading standards like we have in the UK that can confirm it for you.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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