My paypal account has been permanently limited and I'm not sure why


 My account has been permanently limited and I'm not sure why. It says that I violated the user agreement and privacy policy but I haven't. It started when a buyer filed a dispute saying I sold them fake shoes and that she wanted a refund. I responded to the claim stating that I didn't sell fake product and that I have receipts to prove that I didnt. So the claim escalated and paypal reviewed the claim and said that if the buyer returned the shoes in original condition, I would give them a full refund. The buyer never responded and paypal ruled in my favor and closed the case. My account is still limited and it says that I won't ever be able to use my account again. I didn't do anything wrong. I have been using my account for the selling the same products as long as I've had the account. I didn't do anything new or unusal. I also have a credit business card with paypal and now I can't use that. What can I do to get my account back active?

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Frequent Advisor

How many disputes have you had in the past?

What products have you been selling?

What countries are involved?


There are many factors PayPal will consider.  PayPal User Agreement has a whole list of restricted activities and that includes disputes.  PayPal makes it clear accunts can be closed due to restricted activities.

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This was my first dispute

I sell custom painted shoes/ I also have a custom shop on etsy 

The dispute was in the US 

I've been running this business for years. This was a buyer that sought me out via my etsy shop and she wanted several pairs of shoes for a discounted price. I invoiced her via paypal, she paid and I sent her the shoes. I've never had any issues before with customers. I run a very sucessful shop and I've invoiced several customers before this dispute. 

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

brand name manufaturers are known to send someone to buy their product so they study if it is counterfeit,if it were,they will ask the venue like eBAY to remove the listings,sometimes the venue will go further and suspend the seller.

But not sure if they can ask Paypal to do the same.

but  a permanent restriction is permanent,you may want to review its privacy and terms of agreement to find out why?

after 180 days,it will ask you how you want to receive the money in your account 

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