Paypal fees suddenly went up

New Community Member

October 1st, I sent $7 USD to my friend via 'send to friends and family'. The fee was $0.07.

Today october 14th, I sent $8 USD to the same friend (again via 'send to friends and family'). The fee was $2.31.


Actually, the last few payments ive sent to various people have been $2.31 and I don't know why. Why is it so expensive now? I haven't changed anything, this was money from my Paypal balance so there are no currency fees or anything. I know Paypal takes a fee, but having over $2 fees for an $8 is ridiculous.


Could someone please explain to me?

Is this new, something that affects everyone?


Thank you in advance!

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I have noticed this recently as well, regardless of where I send it to, the fee is always $2.31. I would like to know the answer to this as well. 


Could PayPal potentially be out a bit of money?

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I made a post about it too few days ago.
I'm from Canada too and it's the same amount, 2.31, regardless of the entered amount.
It's like the percentage fee is broken???

I contacted them by mail more than 72h ago and still no reply, even with their "reply within 24h" thing..

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New Community Member

I'm having the same issue you are, and I'd like to know the reason why as well.


One day sending as Friends and Family had a fee of a couple cents, the next it becomes an insane amount (around $2)


I noticed purchasing still works fine, it's just sending as friends and family which comes with the fee (Same fee regardless of the amount I send - $0.01 has a $2 fee, same with $10)





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These new fees are terrible, we should not be forced to pay $2.50 for any payments under 50 dollars. We're talking about 25% fees if you try to send 10 dollars. That's outrageous. 

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