Mastercard Not Working


I just got a message from PayPal Support confirming that they have an internal "issue" with Mastercard not working for recurring payments (it doesn't even show up in the drop-down menu)!!


Now I'm getting complaints from customers that their Mastercards are being rejected even in the Buy Now areas!


SO BASICALLY IT LOOKS LIKE YOU CAN'T USE MASTERCARD ON PAYPAL RIGHT NOW, PERIOD -- and they are saying that they are "working on the problem."


Other merchants ought to check to see if they also are losing customers this way without even knowing why (because they can't use a main credit card -- Mastercard).  I know for sure it's been like this for the past 2 days and judging from all the "abandoned" customers I've seen (who start the PayPal process, then stop before completion), it looks like it may have been going on for a week or more before now!!!!


Maybe if more people complained, the "issue" would be solved sooner!!

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It's weird that there are issues with just Mastercard when PayPal's own debit/credit card is through them. I've done transactions before using my card through PayPal, and didn't have issues. This was the first time... and it's irritating since my money is now on hold while it's "pending." Hopefully it's a bug they situate soon, I'm not a fan of my money being in limbo for no reason at all.
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Same here, I think that MasterCard is the only type of credit card I've used with PayPal for years.

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