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PayPal is being used to fund Wikileaks?? 

This makes them complicit .

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Count me in. Can't stay with Paypal after this. Am closing my account tonight.

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As of today, I removed all the PayPal payment options (for products and donations) from my websites and will carry on using other means of currencytransfer for my customers.


I'm sorry I had to to make this decission, since since I've registered my PayPal account in 2006, but I don't want to do bussiness with companies from a democratic country that are sensitive to government suppression.


Thanks for all the service you provided over the last couple of years and hopefully you'll reconsider your policy, since I actually don't want to take such desperate measures.


Greetz from The Netherlands, Europe,



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I have a Column in one of the most important news papers in technology for Mexico!!


YOUR GOING DOWN with your Filthy ways paypal ,,,  you broke my trust!!!


you are nothing more than another oppressor!!!

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Bueno amigos pues que mala noticia que la mafia haga nuevamente de las suyas en el sistema y no solo localmente en Ciertos paises la mafia esta en todo el mundo, corrupción, muertes, todo para que??? por el maldito dinero, bueno Paypal es un excelente servicio, pero este tipo de noticias hace que tome al desición de cancelarla, todo por que esta metido en la mafia paypal, WikiLeaks te deseamos lo mejor y esperemos verte muy pronto el mundo sabe la verdad pero no hacemos nada, solo cancelamos pero seguimos aqui.... tendremos que irnos lejos y vivir no siendo consumidores.

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Likewise I am discontinuing my Paypal account for the same reason as those below. I am extremely disappointed with Paypals decision and until they change their mind and reinstate Wikileaks account I will no longer support their business.

Terry Culver

Sydney Australia


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I will also be cancelling my account.

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**bleep** WikiLeaks!!!    I'm GLAD Paypal has shut down their account!

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 ghostgeek sez:


**bleep** WikiLeaks!!!    I'm GLAD Paypal has shut down their account!

Why, pray tell? You'll not convince anyone with rage. did you see the Collateral Damage videos at least? Is your head in the sand?
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This is absurd. I am immediately closing my account as well. I urge everyone to do so as well

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I'm not gonna sit back while large companies do what they please! **bleep** Paypal, I'm cancelling my account and finding someone else!

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