Unable to link Bank account (bancontact) through IBAN, unable to process at this time.

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I've been struggling to find a way to use bancontact and link it to paypal so i can pay for items outside of Belgium and even some in local online stores. 
I've read that it should be possible to link them and pay through the bank, for which i tried to input the IBAN number in the "link bank account" tab, tho it refuses to actually process it. It does however correctly state the bank which i am part of. 

Is there any way to fix this? or is it false that i am able to use bancontact to make my payments with paypal?

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Looks as if it has to be enabled from the merchants side but may be wrong on that.



However you should be able to link and confirm a card to your paypal account? 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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