Unable to confirm my debit card; unable to use Paypal




I cannot send money using my debit card and I don’t know why. Creating my account and setting up my card and bank seemed easy and intuitive, but using it is anything but.


When I look at the card in the Wallet, it says I need to confirm it. I click on the link and write the CSC code (which, on my card, is called CVC) as requested. I follow up with a verification code I receive in a text message from my bank. But nothing happens, the card remains stubbornly unconfirmed.


I’ve tried several times to send money to my friend, but it doesn’t go through. I type in all the necessary numbers and security codes from text messages from my bank, but nothing happens. Yes, it may be because I haven’t confirmed my card – which, for some reason, I’m unable to do. I’ve contacted the customer support over it. I was told that my bank had blocked the payment (and that I should confirm my card). I called my bank. I was told that no, they hadn’t blocked anything, and the problem was with Paypal. Before I contact the Paypal customer service a.g.a.i.n, I would like to ask the community here.


At this point, I’m about to buy an envelope and send the money to my friend via postal services. Right now it seems so much easier. But I want to give this site one more chance.


Can somebody help me, please? Thank you.

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I've seen it, have read it, have used the steps in the guide, but it didn't help. As I mention in the second paragraph of my original message. 

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