Can’t verify my card

$1.95 was taken from my card but I don’t see the code to verify. It also doesn’t show PayPal instead it says Royal boulevard.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


As you haven't added your country to your profile (so we can see when we hover over your username) or said in your post which country you are in so unfortunately its hard for us to advise.
Paypal varies a great deal country to country so you need to tell us where you are on this worldwide community forum.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thank you for responding Kernowlass. I updated it. This particular account is a Nigerian one and a personal account
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



You can't add a local bank account / and rarely a debit card in your country.
You can only link a visa credit is that what you are trying to add? or are you trying to add a debit card? 

Also the option to receive Paypal payments is sadly not available in Nigeria.
You can only send payments for purchases funded by your (confirmed) credit card.

Paypal varies a lot country to country and can only offer the services that the banks / governments of that country allow it to offer.
There are quite a few countries unable to receive Paypal payments.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I had used it already with the said card I am trying to verify just below 250 which is the amount I can send without the card being verified I don’t use it to receive payment. I have a US PayPal for that
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



If you are using a U.S paypal account and you do  not live in the U.S then be careful as it would soon be permanently limited and your accounts limited.

Its against paypal rules to use another countries account and 'if' you manage to receive funds on it then it would not be for long and any funds would be frozen in the account as you would not be able to withdraw them.


Equally if you don't confirm your card you won't be able to use it on paypal.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thanks for your feedback but that’s not the case. I have a U.S. PayPal because I have a U.S. account
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Doesn't matter, you can't use another countries paypal account.

You can however add a U.S bank account to another countries paypal account.

But you can't open a paypal account that is U.S registered in Nigeria it will soon be banned.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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