Custom add to cart button not displaying image


I've tried uploading images in both jpg and png format through my google drive account and through my adobe creative cloud account but after copying the code to website it doesn't display the image just the blue question mark...really stumped as to what im doing wrong??


Any assistance greatly appreciated!!

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This is more of an HTML issue and/or web page design as many folks do use their own graphics, anyway here's some thoughts.


That's usually a sign of a pathing issue.  Are you using the "complete" URL of the image?


Have you tested your pages with other browsers, i.e., Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE?


Sometimes style sheets or .css files can cause conflicts with size and appearance.


Here's some additional info:

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Thanks for the reply snowshoe. I am using the complete url and have tested the url link several times!

Tested the link through safari and get the blue box and question mark. Tested in Firefox and get a paypal message beneath the dropdown menu (Paypal - the safer, easier way to shop online)


I'm designing the site in adobe muse so not sure if this is causing the problem? It seems to cope with other html objects except this so!


Tried various image files and both png and jpg format but still no luck?


Should i try another host for the images? Thanks again!

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Frequent Advisor

Suggest checking with the Adobe Muse Community Forum, it may be something very simple:

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