Unathorized transaction


Hello, I noticed that several suspicious transactions were made on the debit card, which had the names of PAYPAL*DISCORD and PAYPAL*RIOTGAMESLI, is it possible to return the money? The card was not associated with the paypal account

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Hello @nicushor1


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear you've encountered some unauthorized activity. Normally, if you see a completed transaction in your PayPal activity, you should see the option to report it as Unauthorized. However, if you do not see that transaction on your PayPal account, please reach out to your funding source to see what options are available. 


Best wishes, 


 - Jon K

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I talked to the people from Discord and Riot Games and they told me that my card information was stolen and used to set up a PayPal account from which unauthorized transactions are made and suggested that I talk to PayPal Support, because I called my bank and all they can do is block the card which makes me think there is no chance of getting my money back.I would like to know if it is possible to find the paypal account that uses my card and how can I do this?

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