
Hello ,
I could not find a contact with customer service anywhere on the site, I decided to write here and you should forward my message to the appropriate department.
On 25.02.2024 I placed an order on the website of dress-for-less GmbH worth €36.49 EUR, Transaction ID
on 03.03 and 04.03. I tried to log in and post on the site, why hasn't my order been shipped yet after it was supposed to be shipped in 3-4 days, I couldn't log in. On 05.03.24 the site was closed, my order was not sent, my money was not returned.
I opened a dispute in PayPal Case ID
PP-R-EWG-518277386 , but the dispute amount came out to €26.47 EUR.
This amount was 10 euros less than the amount I paid. I refused the dispute, the only pretext under which I could refuse was to accept the option that the order was received. Now I am trying to launch a new dispute, but now my options are only with received order, I have not actually received an order.
Please help me get my money back!
Snezhana [removed]

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