Permanently Limited new Account and didn’t do or sell anything.


My account got permanently limited but this is my new account and i have 1 transaction to my friends. I don’t know what happened to my account. I didn’t do anything or sell anything. This is unacceptable to me.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



When you say its your new account then what happened to your old account?

Was it permanently limited? If so then the limitation is on you and not just the account.

Once you get a permanent ban then you can't use paypal anymore and any other accounts opened would promptly be limited as well.

Advice is voluntary.
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My old account is also got permanently limited because that account is signed up when i was a minor i think it’s 2020 but now i am 21 and tried to change my name then i uploaded the requirements e.g Valid ID, then few hours later i got permanently disabled and no other way to fix it.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Paypal does not allow account holders under the age of 18 as you have found out.

PayPal asks for a birth date when you register so whilst you can make a PayPal account with false information the account will need to be verified to accept funds into your balance or lift any limits.
As you would be unable to verify your account it would be permanently locked for further use.

You would never be able to use that illegally opened underage account again but once 18 Paypal may allow you to open a new account. Opening a new account is not guaranteed as you have already broken their rules so you would need to ask customer services first.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Looks like they do just what they want. No reason for account being closed, no warning! How does one protect from an unknown mystery? Looks like the RATZ R RUNNING PP NOW- n totally **bleep** it up! Bring back original Mgt-they knew how to run a damn business!
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