Fraud by Commission Artist

Hello, I've paid $120 for a commission that was split into 2 payments. One from me and my partner, we both paid an artist a few months back(February 2023) and got barely any progress on the commission. They barely sent any sketches and whenever we ask for an update, they have an excuse ready out of the blue. They conveniently didn't send me a Terms of Service and when I went out of my way to dig for one, they apparently have a no refund policy. The sucky part is, they since stopped communicating with me and my partner and we don't know anything about this artist. Do we both file for a charge back even though we've reached out on several occasions?
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Esteemed Advisor



You cannot open a paypal dispute as it is too late, they only cover you for up to 180 days.

A chargeback however is done directly via your credit card issuer so if you funded your paypal payment using a c.c. then contact your card issuer and see if they will do a chargeback. However it may be too late for them as well.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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