You can't use PayPal anymore for that quition i want to solution now?

New Community Member

hello paypal,  why this erorr massege for my account, my account is still i make that affter create account showing that massage in my account.

You can't use PayPal anymore, so i want solution now plz reply me?



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Most common reasons for an account limitation are:-

1. You have a previously limited account (temporary or permanent) and you have tried to open a new account and not resolved the issues with the other account first.
2. Using a VPN.
3. Not being in the country where you have opened a Paypal account.
4. Being under 18.
5. Having 2 Paypal accounts or more of the same account type.

If none of those then.........

You need to contact customer services to resolve any limitation or account specific issues.
Click help / contact bottom left of Paypal pages for options available for your country.

Or have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a personal message from their Facebook or Twitter pages.
It's: and @AskPayPal for Twitter.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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