I was sent money but sender used my old email address - please help!

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I recently deleted my old email address that I used to use for paypal as it was hacked.  However, I forgot to update someone who was sending me money and they've sent it to the old address, which no longer exists and is no longer associated with my account.  They say they can't send it again until I provide them with proof that the payment was rejected, but I've no idea how to obtain that - Paypal couldn't have notified that email address that a payment had failed, because it doesn't exist anymore.  Can anyone advise me?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Ask the person that sent you the money what it says in their paypal account.


1. Completed.

2. Unclaimed.

3. Unclaimed with a cancel option.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member

Thanks, I'll try, but when I've suggested this before they just keep saying the onus is on me to provide proof the payment failed 😞

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