Payment pending. Collect Funds


In my Ebay I am awaiting payment from a buyer. I click the payment status logo (hour glass) it says "Papal payment pending from buyer"  then I am prompted to "Collect Funds" this opens a PayPal page "Complete this Papal sign's form to claim your funds. It gives me the options of creating a new account or "Existing accounts upgrade." When I click the upgrades I am prompted to open a business account. I do not want to open a business account and I  already have a Premier account. I still cannot release payment pending so I can ship the  items. There is no record of payment in Papal. All payments from buyers were going through at first (with payment hold) but now no payments from buyers with OK to ship. Just realized papal is not releasing payments at all. I need to ship to these buyers. I have been going in circles and getting nowhere.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Welcome Breewolf


Typically, when you are seeing the hour glass on eBay showing you have been paid, but you are not seeing the payment, it is due to an issue with your email address.  In order to resolve this issue I would open up one of the listings for which you are missing funds.


Once the listing is open, click on the link that says 'Sell Similar' and this will bring up your 'Sell Your Item Form'.  If you scroll down to the section that references how you would like to be paid, you will see a section that refers to PayPal and it will show you the email address that was specified for receiving your funds.  Most likely the email address specified is either an outdated email address, or one that you have added to your PayPal account but not confirmed.


You will either need to confirm it if it is already added, or add and confirm it if it is not on your PayPal account.  Once this is done any outstanding payments will be automatically credited to your balance.  I hope this helps you and I wish you a great day.



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My problem is that the payment sent to my address at a provider that no longer exists (Adelphia).I used an old template when listing on EBAY.Cannot confirm it because it does not exist anymore.

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