Why are email addresses no longer visible on donations to non-profit?


Hi!  I work in support of a non-profit who accept donations via PayPal.   When someone donated, we used to see the person's email address in the same-day notification we received about the donation.  This was great, because we could send them a message thanking them for the donation immediately.   A couple of months ago, the email address stopped appearing in the same-day notification, but still appears in the monthly summary of donations.  Is this something that should be happening, ie; an intentional change?  Is there any way to reinstate the email address in the same-day notification?  Thank you.

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Hello @eslatter1


Congratulations for your first post in the PayPal Help Community!


I understand your concern about not seeing the information in the notifications received for donations. You can configure this optional step in the payment page and the steps can be found in this page. If the issue persist after configuring the step, please reach out to the support team to look into this further. 


Good luck,


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