How to fix "This organization's page is broken" issue?


Hi, there! I have a persistent problem with the DONATION link I have generated. I thought it would be easy to use and simplify the transaction procedure. On contrary it is often unfunctional, showing the message "This organization's page is broken". I have address the HELPDESK service online, they said there are not problems with the settings, and further send me to the "technical" services, but there it does not fall under any of the offered categories. How can this "This organization's page is broken" page be fixed?

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Hello @AnnaVanDensky21


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues with a recent donation link. Have you double-checked your Resolution Center for any action items that require your attention? If there's nothing there, you may want to generate a new donation link and paste that link's code onto your site. I found the following article you may find useful on our PayPal Developer site: Add a donate button to your website with PayPal's Donate SDK

I hope that helps. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support teams for further assistance. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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