Where is the Documentation?


I am a C# ASP.Net programmer, so your new REST API should not be a problem for me. Logic tells me that I should use the new REST API for the new project, and once I get that working then go back to the old Classic Site and then upgrade it as well to the REST API.   

I am impressed with the new REST API.  I mean this is beautiful:


using PayPal.Api// Authenticate with PayPalvar config = ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties();var accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential(config).GetAccessToken();var apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken); // Make an API callvar payment = Payment.Create(apiContext, new Payment{    intent = "sale",    payer = new Payer    {        payment_method = "paypal"    },    transactions = new List<Transaction>    {        new Transaction                    amount = new Amount            {                currency = "USD",                total = "100.00",                details = new Details                {                    tax = "15",                    shipping = "10",                    subtotal = "75"                }            },            item_list = new ItemList            {                items = new List<Item>                {                    new Item                    {                        name = "Item Name",                        currency = "USD",                        price = "15",                        quantity = "5",                        sku = "sku"                    }                }            }        }    },    redirect_urls = new RedirectUrls    {        return_url = "http://mysite.com/return",        cancel_url = "http://mysite.com/cancel"    }});


However, your documentation has much to be desired.  Above you define a payment , but I have not seen any documentation detailing a single example of how to fire a webhook in code, which is absolutely essential.   I see as I have displayed documentation on data classes, such as the Payment class, but no document which explains  then (1) how to submit in code an Authorization. (2) PayPal acceptance of the Authorization, (3) Cancellation of the authorization, (4) Acceptance by the Payment by the customer, (5) Receipt of the Payment acknowledged by PayPal, detailing the PayPal Payment ID.  Every developer has to have this data.   Where is this information?  I see you’ve been working on this for a few years now.  PayPal had this detailed information for the Old Classic approach, so there is no excuse that it is somehow not clearly available for the Rest API.  It should just be there.  It should not be hidden.   If you don’t have it, that would be a real problem.    Please give me specific URLS where the (a) Documentation, and (b) Sample Code can be downloaded.


Please tell me that you have sample code.  I go down to Quick-Start (https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-NET-SDK/wiki/Quick-Start), but then when I get to Sample Code and click that (https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-NET-SDK/wiki/Samples), what is there on Sample page is completely inadequate.   On this page you list 3 solutions.  I need the one for .Net version 4.5.1.   I click the link expecting to get a download of sample code (PayPal.SDK.Sample.VS.2013.sln), but instead the only thing I get is actually a listing of the Solution file.   That’s nonsense.   There is no value in seeing  just a Visual Studio solution file at all.   I am expecting full demo code of your new Rest API in a site and the demo code is not there.   Where is it?  I need it now.    The best response I could ask for is a Sample project that I could download and run locally, being able to step through the code in DDT to examine procedures, methods, and values.   Please tell me that you have this and how I can get it.


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