eBay Refund Pending - how long does it take?

New Community Member

Hi guys,


Just needed some advice - someone bought an item from me on eBay last night, before even messaging me etc and I had literally just created the listing so someone that messaged me could have it at a higher price.


Anyway, I explained to him it was saved for someone else & i'd refund him - I put in a cancellation request with eBay and it now just says "cancellation pending" on my Paypal it says "refund pending" - I was just wondering if anyone knew how long it takes for the refund to go through as the customer is asking me so I want to give him the correct info to save him messaging me constantly.


I also wondered why it doesn't just take the money straight away as it was sitting in my acc, instead it's taking it from my bank so i've had to transfer the money into my bank acc? 




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If your buyer paid then you would have had a fee deducted from that payment.

Paypal no longer gives you that fee back as part of the refund so if you did not have the total amount available in your balance then they would take it from your bank account.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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