HELP! Payment received but unable to access my pay pal account

New Community Member

Hello all, hoping someone can help as I'm getting nowhere with paypal.  I set up a new paypal account at the beginning of December 2020 to receive funds for a product I'm selling on ebay.  I made a sale on the first day of listing and the payment was received in my new paypal account (it was held for 21 days but I understand this is normal for new sellers).  I left the cash as it was only £29.10.  Yesterday I received an email from paypal at the email address connected to my new paypal account stating that the £29.10 had been returned to my buyer as I had "failed to complete the registration process".  It supplied a link, within that email, for me to complete the registration, I followed the link, it wouldn't even allow me to sign in to paypal as it stated that there is no paypal account connected to that email, despite sending emails to that email address to tell me I have received funds/payment!


To make matter worse I have received a further order today for £89.10, again funds have been sent to the new paypal account and again I can't login as they're telling me I have no paypal account associated with that email address.  I do have another paypal account which I've had for a long time, the funds have not been sent to that account.  I was trying to keep the payments I received from sales on ebay seperate from the paypal account I already have, hence I set ip a new one.  Is it possible that paypal won't allow me to open two accounts with them which are connected to the same bank account/debit card?

Do I ask my buyer to reclaim his cash (is that possible?) and resend to my other paypal account?

I'm so sorry t be so long-winded and thank you sincerely if you've managed to read this far without giving up out of sheer boredom!

Any advice would be hugely appreciated



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