Shouldn’t have to edit all my images just to sell on PayPal!

New Community Member
I’ve seen posts where people are getting upside down photos when uploading images. I am trying to do business here and I can guarantee that many people are falling away to use other sites for their social media posts. PayPal is big enough to be able to fix this problem internally. I should not have to pay for editing software I then have to select a small amount at a time to fix sizing for over over 1000 images. I’m tired of hearing I need to fix the problem. Basically I am just letting Pay Pay know they are passing up millions in revenue for not making store like options and of course needing to program it where all images sizes are automatically put into the proper sizing. Don't get me wrong. I love Pay Pal and am just so frustrated as I have spent the last 3 months editing my product images and right when I’m ready to launch , this is happening to me. I have now started to go with Square but if Pay Pal can get it together I would definitely consider coming back.
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