bank set money, PayPal says they didn't and wants to charge me.

New Community Member

My biweekly pay was delayed in hitting my bank account so when my PayPal charges came out, I became negative in both accounts.

I added more than enough to cover all the charges manually while waiting for my pay to hit. 

The PayPal charges were automatically deducted from money I added to my bank account and sent to Paypal.

My PayPal is still showing as in the negative, I called PayPal and they said they have received no money. 

The last time this happened it was for $80, I was forced to pay $80 to PayPal and the $80 my bank sent was never seen again, so I essentially paid $160.

I'm on the phone with my bank now trying to recover the money right now. 

I don't know why this is happening or why PayPal is keeping the money that is sent but won't put it on my account. 

This is a lot more than $80 and I'm facing having to pay double what was charged just to get my PayPal open again.


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