Someone using my closed account


Back in February I recieved a email from PayPal saying my account may have been compromised so I closed the account and opened a new one. So yesterday I go to my mailbox and I have a letter from someone who said she purchased something from someone whose seller id isn't mine but when she filed a claim with Paypal regarding the purchase they gave her my name and address as being associated with that account. I tried calling PayPal but as you know they have limited support during the coronavirus situation. The buyer sent me a copy of her paperwork with her dispute info and dispute number. My question is: What do I do? How do I get PayPal to take my info off the closed account? I did go in and close the email account that was associated with the old PayPal account but it says it takes 30 days. At this point and time I am terrifed that someone will get my banking info and such. Should I just close everything all together?

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @wyld1 


First of all, we hope you're doing well.
I have read your concern and I totally understand it.

You can check the link that is attached to this message.


"This Help Center Article"


I hope this could help you out.
Thank you for reaching us.
Stay Safe

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Ces i tried to do that and its not working. Whomever is using the acct has c hff snged the password so i can't log in to it.
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