Medical Hardships

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How do I get help from PayPal through medical hardships? 2 surgeries this year. An additional extended hospital stay for bowel perforation. Sigmoid Colectomy- Hysterectomy- multiple procedures. Exhausted PTO — FMLA ABSENCES THAT DONT PAY— SHORT TERM DISABILITY for 3 months all of which put me at poverty level income this year while raising 2 kids both homeschooling. I want to make my payments but I just don’t have the means with all I’ve lost this year. I don’t get child support- I do not get assistance- I pay our medical and dental insurances and co pays. I learned 2 weeks ago I’m gonna need a spinal surgery. Due to mri reveling herniated disc that landed me in hospital a 4th time this year with also spinal canal stenosis. I’m being sent to neurologist and orthopedist in the coming weeks. They think my autoimmune disease has evolved to MS. I’m praying not but I have to go through the tests. I need help with my account without losing it.
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Esteemed Advisor


You need to contact customer services to resolve any account specific issues.
Click help / contact bottom left of Paypal pages for options available for your country.

Or have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a personal message from their facebook or twitter pages.
It's: and @AskPayPal for Twitter.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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