IPN failure message


We're getting an email message from PayPal:


Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:


the file named in the email  exists , a part of our amember software, and has been in place, and unchanged since 2007


why are we now getting the message, and what can I do to fix it?

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I need the IPN for backend delivery of digital downloads. The question I have is whether or not there is an IPN that is more acceptable than the one I'm using and how to create it. My products are delivered through Payloadz.com but my IPN is an old one from amember (I don't use amember). I thought that was triggering the messages. But apparently, from reading here, everyone is getting this message. My IPN system has been in place and worked since 2006! So this is worrisome to say the least.


Is the consensus then that PP knows there's a problem and is *working* on it? Or that we need to each create tickets to alert them to the problem? Also, has anyone had their IPN permanently disabled by PP where they were unable to get it turned back on?

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I think the solution can come about by discussing the problem directly with "Technical Support" at PayPal.

Since I disabled the link that was on my paypal account the messages from PayPal have stopped.............that is to say.............So Far! 

I think my situation is less complicated.............there again...I think!

Why does life (on the computer) have to be so complicated! Smiley Wink



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Solved! I spoke with tech support. In my case, the IPN that was not working was one created several years ago to go with amember pro (subscription service) that I never used. The link became defunct when I moved my website to a new server and redesigned the pages. That IPN page vanished and created the failed IPN notifications.


I then harmed myself when I didn't just turn off the one IPN but instead, disabled the entire feature accidentally (thinking I was only turning off the one bad link). I turned off the link but left IPN enabled and now my backend downloads are functioning. Hopefully no more notifications. 🙂


Be sure to call this number: 1 800 852-1973 for tech support. It will save you many menus. 😄

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Login your paypal account, enter the history section find the IPN history, find the specific IPN message you got in the email, then resend it again, check if it could be successful. hope this helps.


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