Possible to customize PayPal Here email receipts?

New Community Member

Hi, I'm a long-time PayPal user, but recently ordered the PayPal Here chip-and-tap reader, so that I can begin to accept payments for my art business.


I sold my first item (a painting) to a friend, who forwarded me the email receipt she received, so I could see how it looked. I was surprised by how unprofessional and not-well-thought-out the email format was. I would have expected the receipt to prioritize the product just purchased and its price. (I had added the item to my inventory via the PayPal Here app, so there was a photo of it.) Instead, there was a big photo of my face (which I've associated with my account), and an embedded map of my home business address (but the map didn't load, due to some security issue). There was no photo of the product, and the price was small and in the middle of the email, almost an afterthought.


Is there a way to customize and deliberately design the email receipts that one can send to a customer, after they've purchased something from you, using PayPal Here? If a representative of PayPal is reading this, please consider this a "feature request."



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