Android app always asks for password AND 2FA confirmation SMS code even though fingerprint is ON

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Hi everyone 🙂


I'm having trouble to understand how the fingerprint feature makes logging into the Paypal Android application any easier. It does add a layer of security, but that's not what I was expecting: usually, other applications (bank applications included!) use the fingerprint log in feature to replace other authentication methods (i.e. password, SMS code, etc.).


Whereas when the fingerprint feature is enabled in the Paypal Android application, it simply adds the fingerprint authentication on top of ALL other security systems: We end up having to:

- Touch the fingerprint sensor with a registered finger

- Enter our Paypal's password

- AND even wait for the confirmation 2FA confirmation SMS to get received with a verification code.


And all that, EVERY time we open the Paypal application (unless it was used very recently and did not get unload from the system)!

Saw a couple of other similar (or more or less related) posts, but none got any replies...




That really feels overkill to me.

Is there any configuration option I am missing that makes the log in process easier?

Or is it just the way Paypal sees security?


Thanks 🙂

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