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I have debit card visa from KiwiBank account. In August 19, 2009 I requested withdrawal. But, until the moment I don’t received this money in my account. Since last days of August I have sent messages to Help Service PayPal and KiwiBank too for know about this money.
In 8 September, 2009, I went in the Bank agency and the officer called to help service of KiwiBank and had the answer that PayPal haven’t accord with KiwiBank for transfer of money in account and that I should get a solution in the System PayPal. 
In 29 December, 2009, I called to Help Service PayPal and request again tracing and I received as answer that this money was credited in my account and this is trouble of Visa System, but in my account haven’t this credit.


Well, between last days of August until moment, I sent more 20 messages to Help Service PayPal and I received only eletronics responses.


I think that the officers Help Service PayPal (eletronic system and line), haven't interest in solve my case, because all responses are automatics! I have the impression that I tell only robots and no wuith people humans, why you don't give humans solutions? 

The officer Help Service KiwiBank too made tracing and don’t found credit in my account. Well, I don’t know that make more or the who ask for find a solution for the case. Please, help me! 


Moreover, Visa Card said me that the solution this problem is of KiwiBank and the bank told me that haven't access to tracing and this is a problem that PayPal have to solve.


Thus, I ask for all: who is give a solution for this??? After all, are 4 months that I trying rescue a money that is mine!!! 

Sincerely I hope will find a solution for this case!!!

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Your problem is same my problem. I can't receive my money from Paypal account. I have a headache with Paypal. Please, anybody can help us. S.O.S

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There are some other agency to regulate or investigate transactions and claims because I have one from December 6 to all the terms expired and no one responds

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