Location of the IPN History page

New Community Member

I've been trying to debug my IPN processing (which has been working for years now).  Reading the documentation on IPN, it talks about the 'IPN History page', which would be great to find!  This page lists all of the IPN notices sent to the listener.  The problem is: I can't find the IPN History page.  How do I get to this page?  Thanks!


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Hi DaveJ,


To view the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) sent to your server, and the status, go to "History" at the top of the page, and select "IPN History" from the list.

You can also follow these steps:

  1. Go to the PayPal website and log in to your account.
  2. Click "Profile" at the top of the page.
  3. Click "Instant Payment Notification Preferences" in the Selling Preferences column.
  4. Click "IPN History page


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Hi Amanda


That path is no good if using the IPN for multiple websites and the return URL is provided by the IPN script at each website (being different for each of them).


The IPN Preferences page only provides the history for a single return URL, and only if the return URL is entered into PayPal.


How can I access the histories for each website, when the script (osCommerce and the "official" PayPal IPN im my case) does not have a history page system in the script.


In particular, I am trying to debug why PayPal is constantly failing to collect shipping insurance charges for cross border CIF B2B payments)




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